Saturday, November 5, 2011

Waste Not, Want Not

I promised I would show you what I did with the rest of that little, worn out sweater that once belonged to Miss H.

I don't normally decorate with a lot of blue. I wear it all of the time, so its not that I dislike the color. Its just not seen in my home decor much. I couldn't let the rest of that sweater go to waste. Waste not, want not. Here's what I started with...

The pillow had been given to me years ago. Another thing being stored in my laundry room cabinets. Hmmm, Pinterest seems to be helping me clean those guys out. Hip, hip, hurray for small miracles. Maybe I can talk Mr. Shawn into redoing it this weekend?

Teresa! Hello, you are getting side tracked. Who me? Okay

The sleeves were used for these little guys.

You can see how I did that here.

I'm liking these little projects. My frugal side has been very pleased. Let's break it down, shall we?
Cozy candle holders = $0
Pillow makeover = $0
0+0= happy me :)

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